Sarah Soward

UX . UI . Design Portfolio

Be a flexible thinker.

This is a message I keep in mind whether I'm working on user experience, designing a logo, or crafting an oil painting because the path to the best solution is not always standard. What's been done before isn't necessarily fitting right now. Set shifting leads to innovation.

My name is Sarah Soward, and I do UX/UI, web, and print design. I animate using Adobe Animate (nee Flash , and I code in XHTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, as well as some jQuery. In addition to actively working in the design and development field, I spent a decade training others in how to do the same. I developed the first UI/UX curriculum for the Bay Area Video Coalition and was an instigator for their move to teach HTML5 when it was still considered new.

So, what's up with the boat photo?

A few years ago on my way to work, I decided that I wanted to go to Africa. I thought it would be completely unrealistic but within my budget to see if there was a Groupon trip that would work for me. Well, there was. I Groupon-ed myself—alone—to Kenya, met up with a lovely cohort of fellow discount travelers who purchased the same trip, and even hopped into a motorized canoe with them to watch hippos yawn mere feet from us while birds skitted across the beautifully reflective water.

The purpose of the photo is to remind myself that there are many ways to get to a desired result, and the paths most often traveled are not always best suited to a particular client. Sometimes it's a good idea to leave the freeway behind and motor through the water.

[email protected] :: © Sarah Soward. All rights reserved.